I Am A Psychic Medium

I became a full open vessel medium in June 2009 after years of doing psychic medium Angel Board readings everynight prior to my medium vessel being opened up which gave me the gift to channel write to stop crimes. Therefore, in 2010 I started sending out many emails to everyone I could find in the world that said ” I am a psychic medium” as I wanted everyone to know so my crime tips would be listened to and taken seriously as in 2009 I started writing stop sex slavery internationally crime tips by hand for God and Jesus and passed on American White House Presidents and I do this work ever since I developed this gift and spelled crime tips out prior to this also on my Angel Board. Therefore, I am a channel writer crime tipster psychic medium, and this psychic gift can also be called Prophetess writing or automatic writing as I write for spirits that go in my body. I set up this wordpress in Sept. 2012 and started posting my psychic medium work here and on many other wordpresses, and I email out my wordpress posts since then to be passed on so everyone will read my crime tips and know to follow them to stop crimes and know I am a psychic medium. The more who know this the more lives can be saved and that is the purpose of this wordpress, so thank you to those who are reading it. Also, please pass along that I am Nancy Gail Fox aka Fox-Taylor the sole Medium For God individual channel writer business owner as I am trying to stop ID theft as a group lied my paypal email address was their groups email address etc. I set up my Medium For God channel writer business in 2009 in Sherman Oaks, California and then created many Medium For God emails in 2010 and added Gods Medium to my regular email address and started emailing out my channel writer resumes’ and letters then and channel writing to stop sex slavery internationally as a channel writer typist as I switched from channel writing by hand to channel typing in early 2010 and type many words per minute as fast as I can to stop the crimes from happening is the reason, as they quicker I channel write them and email them out on the internet, and the faster they are passed along the sooner the crimes can stop as it’s a massive organized crime ring running sex slavery secretly so the more it’s known and public the better the chance is of them getting busted for sex slavery and sex torture and murders they commit by silently kidnapping so many citizens in the population all over the world. Thus, I channel write fast and send my work out fast, often without spell checking and without punctuation as it is the crime tips that are important and doing spell check etc. slows the process down. I bought three small lap tops in 2010 that I carried around in my purse and channel wrote and emailed from everywhere I went in addition to faxing and then began posting my channel writing as a psychic medium blogger. I blog everywhere all over the internet for year so the public will be aware of the crime tips that I communicate by my work I do in readings since 2005 when I started doing readings for two hours every night on my Angel Board. Channel writing by hand in June, 2009 for about one year, then channel typing and then I started posting and blogging here and there and Sept. 1st, 2012  went full fledge on the internet and said I am taking a leap of faith and telling the entire public so sex slavery can finally stop. Therefore, Sept. 1st, 2012 I started channel writing as many posts as I could on many wordpresses I set up and emailed out my posts as fast as I could to every address I could find on the internet to email them to as in 2010 I wrote by John F. Kennedy ” The war is on the internet” and so it is and so it has been and so I hope it shall not be any longer, may the truth outshine the dark lies that are smothering the crime tips with darkened clouds of doom, could be why its called dooms day, therefore pass it on as what I channel write is to save lives and I typed 120 words per minute on many wordpresses I set up on three lap tops from 5 am on emailing out the posts as fast as I could so a person could get a whole wordpress to read in their email like a book as I tried to get channel writing book deals by many book deal query letters and resumes’ I sent since 2010 and said ” oh well, I’ll write it on my wordpresses instead” and have written many novels on wordpress since then as the more who know the more people can be saved as most of my work I do as a psychic medium is figuring out how people are taken so they are not taken!

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